The Globe Theatre
The Globe Theatre
I was brought in to the project with two distinct roles. The first was to document the redevelopment of the theatre, following the different teams involved. The resulting films were used to give updates to the public and other interested parties about what was happening. These films became an integral part of the communication strategy as different challenges came forward during the work. My other role was to work with the ‘Globe Volunteers’, a group of members of the public who helped to gather information and stories about the Globe’s past. This heritage part of the project also included working with some of the artists involved in the design of the new theatre layout.
The Globe project was particularly challenging due to the length of the project, starting in 2016 and following through to the theatre’s opening in 2021 and beyond. As part of the project we produced several pieces of work that helped the public see how the project was developing, from short social media clips to longer form films. I worked in close partnership with Stockton Council (Media, Comms dept) as well as ATG. Some of the main outputs included;

Virtual Tour Film
As a large part of the redevelopment process happened during Covid, several films were made to show people around the site using the volunteers as presenters.

Update films
These short films, mainly delivered by the theatre’s lead specialist, kept the public up to date on the development, and included specific reference to some of the heritage aspects of the project.

Memory Films
These films involved interviewing members of the public recalling their memories of visiting the Globe. We even had one person who recalled being a small child and witnessing the foundations being poured. The music element played a big part in these memories, specifically people sharing their stories about seeing the Beatles.

Films for sharing with broadcasters
We put together several films during the process that were then shared with news outlets and featured in national broadcasts.

Exhibition Films
An exhibition was created within a local museum (Preston Hall). The films formed the main part of the presentation.

Cliff Richard Callout
We made a film with the volunteers to reach out to the pop star and his management. The song ‘Summer Holiday’ was written by Bruce Welch of the Shadows whilst performing in a panto at the Globe.

Master ‘Heritage’ film
At the end of the project, a film was made to bring all the heritage aspects of the redevelopment together. This formed part of the opening celebrations, and was also used by the Heritage Lottery Fund and ATG to explain the scope of the project.

GLOBE Volunteers
During the whole Globe project I got to work with some fantastice volunteers. Their passion to help tell the story of the Globe was infectious.