'Who's Elvis' Showreel Shoot
Great fun was had working on a showreel for actors from the DJWtalent pool.
Great fun was had working on a showreel for actors from the DJWtalent pool.
One of the wonderful things about the work I do is the opportunity to meet and sometimes work with great people. People who are dedicated to their craft and their work. Jane Arnfield is one of those people. I first worked with her taking a group of year 5/6 pupils to London to share a piece that they had developed with her about the Antarctic, they shared this performance at a lecture theatre of The Royal Geographical Society (very near the Albert Hall). Most recently I had the chance to film her in The Tin Ring for the International Voices Festival at the Jersey City Theatre Centre. Here’s a link to her talking about the piece along with some of the filmed performance.
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working with Stockton Council to make the Stockton International Riverside Festival (SIRF) virtual. We produced over twenty films for the online festival, this is probably my favourite as it sums up what SIRF is all about, please take a look and if you want to see more visit https://www.sirf.co.uk/programme/ to see the full 4 day virtual festival. Big thanks to all the acts and audience at SIRF over the years.
Covid19 affected the way that the majority of schools in the country have operated, not least in the way that new pupils are introduced to the school. Normally a year 6 group from a Primary School would visit and take a look around to get a flavour of what they could expect when they move up to 'Big School'. This year of course they couldn't do that. So I work with the Head Teacher and the other staff at the school to make an introduction film purely for these new pupils.
Working with DJWtalent with two of their talented actors.
Fun day filming at the Hartlepool Waterfront Festival, we got to film in a boat.
Filming an interview with Tony Harrington from the FORGE an arts organisation based in the North East. This interview is for an ongoing project to celebrate 20 years of TINArts, Tony is a board member of TINArts, during the interview we caught up on some of the work the organisation has been doing in recent years and their plans for the future. I have also worked for Tony's organisation The FORGE in the past, namely documenting the play 'The Tin Ring' and the performance of 'Defiant Requiem'.
I have done some very interesting work for BarcroftTV over the last year from filming a caesarian section to filming a stand-up comedian with scoliosis. But this film gave me the chance to meet Tilly and her mum, who told me their story about how Tilly lost her arms to meningitis when she was a young child. Tilly never let her disability slow her down running her own YouTube site and appearing on numerous TV shows talking about her condition and her bionic arms. The final film was edited by BarcroftTV and so far has over 7 million views on their various channels. The final film can be watched here.
Each year Catalyst honours volunteers in Stockton-on-Tees area, as part of the award ceremony I was asked to interview individuals who have nominated those people who are up for an award. Over there days we interviewed over 35 people and edited 11 films, one for each award. The final films where played as part of the ceremony held at Wynard Hall.
Latest Headshots for DJWTalent
Always great to work with Periplum, over the years I've filmed their work as part of SIRF (Stockton International Riverside Festival), but this time they asked me to capture their show 'The Witching Hour' at Hull's East Park. The crowd turned out in force to enjoy a journey through the story of the Park and some supernatural 'witchcraft' elements.
Great event for Castlegate, having Mary Poppins open a their Books in the Community launch party.
As well as filming the show I also photographed each act, great performances.
Updated the showreel a little adding some different text and also making multiple format versions for mobile platforms.
Out and about filming a new campaign. Great day capturing footage at several locations around Stockon-on-Tees including Drakes The Bookshop, Who-Ray, The Waiting Room, All Things Wool and The Boutique at Poppy's.
Always tricky to describe Matt's shows, so here's the blurb from the press release 'Magic is everywhere. Put on a dress and people treat you one way. Try a pinstripe suit and, abracadabra it's like you are a different person. They say beauty is just skin deep but then why is appearance so important to the way we are treated?' When I've completed the edit for the promo I'll put it on the blog, it will be interesting!
Interesting shoot with local comedian Matty Oxley, the resulting film is for Barcroft.tv that can be found here Comedian With Scoliosis Laughs Off Condition | BORN DIFFERENT
The culmination of a project that started back in 2014 to commemorate the lost of the First Word War, bringing together the community of Stockton-on-Tees. Here's a link to the final film. 1245 Sunflowers - Point Me To The Skies
Filming interviews with both organisations who have been working together to help Stroke sufferers gain access to the work of Citizens Advice.
Working with ARC in Stockton to produce a promo for the project 'A Theatre Trip For Every Child'. The idea is to raise money from individuals and companies to allow young people to see real life theatre.
Working with Danny Williams for his company DJWTalent another showreel shoot and edit package. Great acting from Milly Merryweather channeling her best stroppy teenager and Clare Hankinson as her long suffering big sister.
Great shoot and edit for another showreel for DJWTalent, this one was filmed in a great church near Acklam Hall with actors Alan Carter and Amy Gallilee.
Had the great pleasure of filming all of the 'Without Walls' acts at this years Stockton International Riverside Festival' as usual they did not disappoint bring some amazing shows to the people of Stockton.
Putting the finishing touches to an edit for Northern Heartlands about their project Beyond The End of The Road.
Working on a couple of Showreels for DJWTalent, I love working on these short drama projects, gives me a chance to really flex the creative muscles. This example was shot over a couple of hours in a local library, that wasn't as quite as a library should be, so we had to get the microphone as close to the talent as possible to help isolate the dialog from the background. Really happy with the way it went, simple scene which allowed the actors to do their stuff.
Periplum approached me to film their show 'The Glass Ceiling' which was making its debut at this years SIRF, the footage will be used in a promo for the show, which will be touring the tees valley later this year.
The Stockton International Riverside Festival is one of my favourite times of the year, I've been involved in filming the festival since 2006 and been a audience member since the mid nineties. It's a fantastic event that brings some of the worlds best street acts and performers to my home town. This year the festival was kicked of with a launch film we made which included an interview with Jan Doherty the outgoing artistic director, sharing her memories of her time with the festival.
Working on an edit for DJWTalent, for a short film we shot a little while ago.
Some quick shots for a Hotel development, these initial shots will act as a starting point for a promotional film, recce'd the site and will return for a planned shoot with crane and gimbal.
Filmed the performance of an incredible play 'Beyond the End of the Road' for Northern Heartlands. The play is touring communities in County Durham and they wanted a very fast turnaround for the final edit. The show was written by Laura Lindow who I have worked with on several projects including Clown Doctors and Heartbreak Soup so it was a wonderful surprise to see her name on the playbill.
Putting the final touches to a film for the HUB in Stockton. The HUB is 'the UK’s first active travel and cycle parking centre', we filmed lots of interviews with volunteers at the centre, along with some people who use its services. I even did a couple of rides with some of the 'guided ride' groups using a GoPro to capture footage, really pleased with the final shots and the completed edit. The film will be used as part of their online campaign and in a new venue in the heart of Stockton.
Not often I get a chance to take a selfie and especially in a great location, today I got the chance, big mirror at Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle whilst filming with TinArts on their GETinvolved project.
I had the opportunity to meet and film the author Phillip Pullman at an event with Drake The Bookshop. Phillip signed books, read from his new book and did a Q&A whilst sailing along the Tees to Preston Park Museum.
Capturing some of the action on Redcar Beach, great open areas for these land yacht pilots to try out their skills. I put together a quick edit of the mornings footage here Redcar Land Sailing 2018.
Interviewing lots of people for a film about The HUB, an organisation in Stockton that encourages people to cycle and walk.
Filming an event at the Georgian Theatre for The Castlegate Shopping Centre
Filming selftapes for DJW Talent
Great photo session today with DJW Talent.
I've been working on documenting the redevelopment of The Globe Theatre in Stockton-on-Tees since 2016, over that time I've seen the building slowly coming together, today I had a chance to interview Dr David Wilmore who is the theatre restoration consultant, great guy, who is also responsible for the restoration of the Theatre Royal in Newcastle and the Hippodrome in Darlington.
Interviewing people who nominated groups or individuals for the annual Catalyst Achievement Awards. All filming took place at Catalyst office on a green screen. Met some great people, including Albert Dicken of 'Dickens' fame.
Working with Graham Williamson on a film about Greatham Creek on the river Tees.
As part of an ongoing project to document the redevelopment of The Globe Theatre in Stockton-on-Tees, I had the opportunity to interview Peter Hall the projects architect.
The Talent HUB is a professional development programme for dance artists with a learning disability, autism or both. I worked with TINArts and one of their dancers to produce a short advert for the project.
New showreel shoot for DJWTalent.
Filming at Daniel John Williams school of acting. I've been working with DJW over the last couple of years and it's always great to work with the actors on their selftapes.
Filming a short film with Mike Mcgrother of the Wildcats of Kilkenny. The film follows Mike on a walk around the local area, helping raise awareness for the Samaritans. The completed film was played at the end of the Christmas shows the Wildcats did at ARC in Stockton.
Working with DJW Talent to make a short film 'My Sister's Secret' with Rachel Teate and Ava Hughes from a script by Emily Fairweather.
Filming for the 'Beyond the Parmo' Middlesbrough Food Summit. Great event at Teesside University with speakers and networking opportunities for anyone involved in the local food industry.
Filmed an interview at Durham University with Cosmologist Carlos Frenk, amazing experience and an incredible man, he even took time out to explain the expansion of the universe to me.
Interview with Peter Walker from the Curing House in Middlesbrough
Had the pleasure of interviewing Dave Beattie a couple of weeks ago at his coffee shop in Bedford St Middlesbrough. Dave runs Rountons Coffee Roasters, and took time out of his busy day to explain the principles behind the business and the importance of keeping things local.
Busy couple of days doing lots of interviews for Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, Middlesbrough Council, Local GP’s and various medical professionals.
Interview with Nick Kennedy for the 'Latest Edition' project with Navigator North.
Interview with Thearesa Easton for the 'Latest Edition' project with Navigator North
Interview with artist Alex Sickling for Navigator North
Filmed interview with Environmental Artist Diane Watson for a project with Navigator North.
SIRF The Stockton International Riverside Festival is always a great event, this year we made a film about the Carnival part of the festival.
Doing a quick re-edit of the Bear & Butterfly Promo film for Theatre Hullabaloo to help publicise the opening of 'The Hullabaloo' a new theatre specifically for young people.
New film edit for The Stockton International Riverside Festival VIP event. Bringing together footage, stills and interviews documenting some of the last 30 years of SIRF
Great evening spent filming the latest piece by Mike McGrother (Wildcats of Kilkenny frontman). Of Rogues & Of Honest Men is a peoples opera, performed at ARC
Another shot from this weekends IncluFEST, this time The Space Rebel Princess.
Photography today at The IncludFEST in Darlington some great acts including Mr Wilsons 2nd Liners
A film for The Growing Middlesbrough organisation, looking at some of the organisations and individuals involved, including a local organic dairy and a hand grown salad supplier.
Documenting a great education project, bringing together 14 schools from Durham and Gateshead. The young people learnt about the different cultures that make up their neighbourhood.
Spent the last couple of weeks filming sections for an internal communication film for a local authority, met some great people with some wonderful talents.
Taking all the footage and audio from the performance of The Defiant Requiem, 2 cameras and 6 audio sources to produce a final edit of the evening. This picture is of Bass-baritone Keel Watson.
Having worked with Artist/Director/DJ Will Dickie recording his show 'The Rave Space' performed as part of Hull City of Culture, Will asked me to produce a promo of the show.
Editing interviews from last weeks filming.
Filming with The Forge today at The Majestic Theatre in Darlington. The Changing Lives project is about looking at the theme of 'Radicalisation', in this case young people from Bishop Auckland and Darlington produced a piece of powerful drama about the subject. Busy day filming the production and carrying out interviews with a large section of the cast.
Editing another piece from 'Best Foot Forward' this is from Kate Marsh and Welly O'Brien who I last filmed back in 2012 for the amazing 'Prometheus' at SIRF.
That time of year again, where I film the amazing evening that is Best Foot Forward. According to the leaflet Best Foot Forward is "An evening of dance and performing arts created and performed by artists with a learning disability, AUTISM AND/OR ADDITIONAL NEEDS from across the North East.
Carrying out some grading on the promo for 'Sticking'. Using FilmConvertPro2 which is a great tool for adding a bit of punch to the footage, especially if the edit is going on youtube.
Filming a show called The Rave Space at The New Adelphi Club in Hull for the Heads Up Festival. Amazing show with DJ set and performance by Will Dickie, Chris Collins and Hayley Hill.
Working in Peterlee and Durham to capture the GeTINvolved project
Filming for Environment City in Middlesbrough as part of a project involving people bringing the Alleyways back into use.
Filming with photographer Mark Banks, at this iconic location.
Processing headshot from yesterdays shoot with DJW School of acting, new look for Katie Hunter
Filming for a training film for people working with Children In Care, Ellie Marshall was our presenter for the day, delivering a piece to camera. Ellie is from the Daniel John Williams School of Acting and Talent Agency. She did a sterling job having to deliver her piece many times due to the friendly Hartlepool seagulls wanting in on the action (and soundtrack)
Filming the Northern Writes Event at Stanley Civic Theatre with Rachel Unthank, Reg Vardy Band and lots of other acts celebrating the Pitman Poet Tommy Armstrong
Currently editing a show I recorded at The Alphabetti Theatre in Newcastle earlier in the year. A solo show by Matthew Lewis Miller.
A 'Day Out' at the local Bowling Alley, with some of the clients at Lanark House.
The culmination of the Defiant Requiem Project, after rehearsals over the last couple of weeks everything comes together.
As part of the Defiant Voices project I got to interview Murry Sidlin the Founder and President of the Defiant Requiem Foundation. As the Defiant Requiem is being performed this weekend we decided to use the Cathedral as a backdrop for the interview. Murry was inspirational and gave us some fantastic elements for the film.
Great fun filming with Arc Film Club, a group who get together every Saturday at the ARC arts centre in Stockton-on-Tees.
Amazing evening filming the Durham Choral rehearsing a performance of Verdi's Requiem, very cold evening at Durham Johnston School but warm vocal richness filling the room.
Kev Howard is a photographer based in the North East of England, I caught up with him on the eve of his latest exhibition d-FORMED in which he documents some of the surgery he has undergone during his life.
Back at base editing yesterdays footage from Wildground.
Filming last Full Council of the year at the Town Hall
One of the last shoots for the Wildground Project. This time filming tree planting at Oliver Henderson Park near Felling, interviews with the children from a local school and their Headteacher.
Processing headshots for The Daniel John Williams School of Acting. These shots will be used for the actors Spotlight Page.
Re-edit a version of 'We Do Scale' a promo film for Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council this time to help with the succesful entry into The Great British High Street Competition.
Producing another film for Stockton Council about their 'Smarter Working' approach, the film will form part of the councils training.
Social Worker recruitment film for Stockton Borough Council, which involved capturing a piece to camera half way up the AirTrail.
Another shoot for the WildGround Project. Filming at Ryton Park near Gateshead documenting how the work has progressed since my last visit in June.
As part of this years 'Kapow' SciFi festival in Stockton I got the chance to film the legendary RadioPhonics workshop.
Followed actor Jane Arnfield as she performed The Tin Ring at Durham 6th Form. I was involved in the early stages of The Tin Ring when it was first performed at the Lowry Theatre in Salford, getting a chance to meet and interview Zdenka Fantlova who's book the play was based on, a moving story of how Zdenka survived several concentration camps during the Second World war.
Prior to the performance Jane did a Q&A session about her work and working with director Mike Alfreds.
Filming for a Faitraid event in Middlesbrough, interviewing Mayors from the North East and a representative from a Coffee growing plantation in Columbia (which was all done through an interpreter)
Filming at this years Stockton International Riverside Festival for Kazum (Playful Theatre in Unusual Paces).
I made a film with Kazum before and I love their work, this years piece involves three performers and a sofa!
Collecting lots of different faces and voices for a large organisation for an internal communication film, over sixty people filmed in various locations in three days.
Shoot and edit a little film for the brilliant Mike Mcgrother (The Wildcats of Kilkenny front man) this event started Mike on his Wild Rover project that will take him to Ireland retracing his ancestors journey to Teesside.